Gorgeous grins! Holy baby fever... this one had me at, "Hello, look at
that head of full hair!"
First time parents are such a joy to work with... we all Ewww, and Ahhhhh, and swoon
together. Not that I don't love any newborn babies, but once their are other children,
there is rarely silence to just watch and observe their perfection.
3 generations. Need I say more?
This bonnet is a gift from Nana. The precious part is it's not just a bonnet.
It came with this touching poem. So, get your hankie out, sniff, sniff.
I am just a little hankie, as square as can be;
but with a stitch or two, they've made a bonnet out of me.
I'll be worn home from the hospital, and on special days,
and then I'll be carefully pressed and neatly packed away.
Then on the Wedding, I have been told,
every well dressed Bride must have something old.
So what would be more fitting than to find Little Old Me,
a few stitches snipped and a Wedding Handkerchief
I Will Be!